Hi everyone!
I already wrote about how some unconscious things influence how we live and drive us into a state of burnout without us realizing why and what to do about it - it’s the internal patterns and belief systems.
Burnout can have several causes, but one of them for sure is the spinning negative thoughts you have about yourself or your work.
Those negative thoughts (and emotions) are usually caused by underlying, subconscious beliefs about yourself or your work.
If you experience over-working and over-hustling, that could be directly linked to deep-rooted beliefs like…
“I’m not worthy of success.”
“Failure isn’t safe.”
“The way to get love is to work hard.”
“Work is stressful/hard.”
“Making money has to be hard.”
“I’m not doing enough/should be more.”
“I’m not good enough.”
“It’s not OK to relax.”
If deep down (subconsciously), parts of you believe these types of ideas, they will create those negative thoughts and emotions.
That striving to prove yourself or to work more hours, or that assumption that work has to feel stressful…well, this is going to affect your experience, (likely even more than your external circumstances).
My new friend Joel, founder of Human Liberation, helps people rapidly clear limiting beliefs with an innovative tool.
One belief can be cleared in about 20 minutes, 100% forever, like Santa isn’t real anymore! I know it sounds wild, but I have experienced Joel’s belief clearing work myself, and I can tell you it has been effective for me. Highly recommend it!
Joel just made a guide, Get to the Root, the Keys to Permanently End Negative Self-Talk, that shares more about how beliefs are formed, and it will help you start to let go of those stories in your subconscious mind, so you can feel renewed, free, and empowered.
I thought you might like it. Click the link below to grab the guide and other emails about personal development from Joel.