Very interesting... reminds me of the Cell Danger Response work of Dr Naviaux, where he discusses the difference between "Healthy Winter Maintainence Metabolism" and "Summer Growth Metabolism" https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1567724913002390

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Thank you for your feedback! I wasn't aware of this idea, it's very interesting, thank you for sharing!

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Excellent resource! Thank you for sharing this. Are you familiar with Dr. Jack Kruse's research into cold thermogenesis?

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Yes I think I have read about that before.

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This was such an interesting post. I've been dealing with fatigue this year and sometimes curse myself for a bad decision I made in tbe Spring which might have contributed to this condition. Part of me wants to be "back to normal" and part of me knows there is value in this experience and I need to embrace my future as I am. So letting that old part of myself "die" this winter is intriguing. As is darkness therapy. Lots to ponder. Thank you

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Thank you Cali! I'm glad that the article brought you to some new insights about your own life. Yes, I feel you: I too sometimes go into "victim mode" and guilt of why did this had to happen to me, but reframing that it happened for us is of huge importance!

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Hey, thanks for the shoutout :-) It’s always great to hear about more people being deliberate about darkness, especially this time of year.

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