Great article Jani as always. I’ve just shared to Twitter as people need to read this. I hope they do.

Recently I’ve been feeling myself getting drawn down into what might be a downward burnout cycle. Work seems to be providing a myriad of problems with no obvious upside other than I’m being paid. This is starting to get me down so I feel that something needs to change.

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Thank you Martin, I really appreciate it!

That's a huge realization! The first step is always awareness and realisation, then it's up to us to either change things or not - and I would argue that burnout (either preventing it or recovering from it) is a huge motivator and driver of change!

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Thanks Jani. Burnout happened for me not too me. I will ponder that. My fatigue is a bit worse at the moment and I know that there are lessons in it that will help me have a better future. But it is demoralising at the time. Take care.

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Yeah, I know what you mean and what you're going through. Try to remind yourself that it will get better, even tough it's hard. And really try to ponder and explore what are some things that are behind the fatigue that you're experiencing. If you need any guidance, I'll be happy to help you navigate it!

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